Suitability defines how well premises meet the needs of pupils, teachers and other users and how they contribute towards raising standards of education.
Oakleaf’s involvement ensures that full sets of completed, authorised and consistent information are supplied to the Local Authority for processing and analysis.
The Audit
Assessments cover all areas of an establishment and are carried out on a room by room basis. The method of assessment aims to identify problems affecting the delivery of the curriculum and operational efficiency of schools, which might affect educational attainment.
The role of the auditor is to help the Head Teacher / Site Manager to complete a consistent, thorough and correct analysis without disruption to the school and staff. The ownership of the comments are therefore those of the School, not the auditor.
The Content
The framework is applicable to all types of school and covers the following aspects of teaching and non-teaching accommodation (including staff facilities)…
- Number, size, shape, location of spaces
- Environmental conditions
- Fittings and fixed furniture
- ICT infrastructure
- Health & Safety security issues
Problems will be categorised according to their impact on standards of education…
- Unable to teach curriculum
- Teaching methods inhibited
- Organisation of the school affected
- Pupil and / or staff morale affected
The Results
These are entered into the standard statutory DfES forms for consistency of reporting. The forms are then returned to the school for verification and approval by the Head Teacher before being delivered to the Authority.
The meeting with a senior teacher is an opportunity to check the layout of the premises for changes which have not been otherwise recorded.
It is expected that any changes to the plan layout of the school are recorded by the auditor and reported back to the authority for updating of relevant records and plans. Similarly the database of rooms is adjusted and updated accordingly for reference by all interested parties.
Once the checking process is complete the final documents are passed to the Local Authority. This is a correctly completed set of documents, ready for further analysis and processing and will provide the DfES with the relevant information to meet the statutory requirements.
All Expertise
Fire & Safety
- Fire and Smoke Damper Surveys
- Fire Compartmentation Surveys
- Fire Risk Assessment – Life Risk
- Fire Risk Assessment – Property Risk
- Building Safety Case Solutions
- Fire Strategies
- Fire Training
- Fire Overview
- Housing Fire Risk Assessments
- PAS 9980:2022 Fire Risk Appraisals
- External Wall Fire Review (EWS1)
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