The Survey
This survey is based on the requirements of the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. These regulations are applicable to a wide range of workplaces and includes not only factories, shops and offices but also schools, hospitals and places of entertainment.
This is a detailed audit that specifically identifies areas of non – compliance and lists the necessary remedial actions together with budget costs.
This important survey identifies whether staff and visitors are able to operate within a building(s) without detriment to their well being and confirms that the building environment does not compromise the quality of service that staff are able to provide.
It lists not only recommendations for improvement where items are mandatory but will suggest improvements for the general safety and welfare of building users.
The Process
This survey covers 21 separate elements…
- Maintenance of workplace, equipment devices & systems
- Ventilation
- Temperature in the workplace
- Lighting
- Cleanliness & waste materials
- Room dimensions & space
- Workstations & seating
- Condition of floors & traffic routes
- Falls & falling objects
- Transparent gates, doors & walls
- Windows, skylights & ventilators
- Ability to clean windows etc. safely
- Organisation of traffic routes
- Doors & gates
- Escalators & moving walkways
- Sanitary conveniences
- Washing facilities
- Drinking water
- Accommodation for changing clothes
- Facilities for changing
- Facilities to rest & eat meals
The Report
The results are recorded in a full written report which summarises the main conclusions. The report is very detailed as it specifically lists each item and details the full extent of compliance or non – compliance.
Risk Assessments
We have included a Risk Assessment so that hazardous areas can be prioritised.
Budget Costs
We also provide full budget costs so that you can program any necessary remedial work.
Data Presentation
All data can be input into all FM Software brands.
All Expertise
Fire & Safety
- Fire and Smoke Damper Surveys
- Fire Compartmentation Surveys
- Fire Risk Assessment – Life Risk
- Fire Risk Assessment – Property Risk
- Building Safety Case Solutions
- Fire Strategies
- Fire Training
- Fire Overview
- Housing Fire Risk Assessments
- PAS 9980:2022 Fire Risk Appraisals
- External Wall Fire Review (EWS1)
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8:30am – 4:30pm