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PAS 9980:2022 Fire Risk Appraisals

What is PAS 9980:2022

PAS 9980:2022 is a new code of practice providing a methodology for fire risk appraisals of external wall construction and cladding, which can be scaled up or down, depending on the complexity of the individual buildings, of existing multi-storey and multi-occupied residential buildings. It also addresses the risk of fire spread of other building types such as student accommodation and specialised housing. Developed by a steering group of field experts in construction, fire, housing, and safety, it is intended for use by competent fire engineers and building professionals when conducting fire risk appraisals of external walls (FRAEW).

PAS 9980:2022 and FRAEW: What does this mean to you and how we can help

The purpose of a FRAEW is to assess the risk to occupants from a fire spreading over or within the external walls of the building and decide whether, in the specific circumstances of the building, remediation or other mitigating measures to address the risk are considered necessary. Oakleaf Surveying’s approach to PAS9980 is to provide the “Golden Thread” of information for project sites as part of our assessments and as such to provide a holistic approach of the fire safety measures in place. This will enable our clients to take proportionate and effective steps to improve fire safety in their buildings where necessary.

Items reviewed in our assessments include:

Our reports can be tailored and configured to specific requirements and upon completion, encompass all the relevant information regarding a building(s) in one detailed and informative report allowing you (if necessary) to look at any potential areas of concern and the level of risk associated with each.

PAS 9980:2022 is not intended as an alternative to the EWS1 (External wall Survey) form, which is for valuation purposes and is administered by RICS. If an initial external wall survey has been carried out and has highlighted risk, then our report will provide the necessary ancillary information to enable proportionate management of that risk and inform any further steps that should be considered. Oakleaf Surveying will provide a report which looks holistically at all aspects of fire safety on your buildings.

PAS 9980:2022 emphasises the importance of proportionality in relation to risk and associated mitigation measures, including considerations of benefit, gained, practicality and cost.

PAS 9980:2022 | BSI (

For more information, read our blog: PAS9980:2022 Code of Practice and Your Organisation

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