In the energy industry, health and safety is a high priority given the possible risks involved in storing and transporting fuel. As well as having a responsibility for protecting employees in the workplace, energy companies must comply with multiple safety regulations such as Gas Safety Management Regulations 1996. By reducing risks, energy companies improve the working environment for their employees but can also reduce costs.
Oakleaf has been working with energy companies for over 30 years to help to establish the safest possible workplace and to ensure they are fully compliant with the required regulations. Our safety experts have surveyed over 80,000,000 square metres for NHS trusts, universities, local authorities, commercial premises and many more types of clients and industries.
Why energy giants choose to work with us
In recent years we have worked with Southern Scottish Energy and Lynemouth Power Station. We were appointed to provide fire risk assessments and provide our recommendations for risk reduction. For SSE, there was a heavy focus on commercial risk, utilising our specialist team’s extensive knowledge of British Standards and National Fire Prevention Association regulations (NFPA850).
Lynemouth power station is the most thermally efficient coal fired power station in the UK and Oakleaf was contracted to conduct a full fire risk assessment of the whole power station and site area. We were able to support them in introducing a number of key risk reductions and continue to work with them regularly for re-inspections.
These are just a few examples of the work we have completed for energy companies but many more choose Oakleaf because we have built up a strong reputation for our expertise in the industry. Our fire risk assessment specialists are trained to the highest level in delivering fire risk assessments and are the best in the industry. We have been awarded certification under the BAFE SP205 third party certification scheme for companies carrying out life safety fire risk assessments.
What does our Fire Risk Assessment include?
We provide comprehensive fire risk assessments for both life and property risk, in accordance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. We use a simple, yet highly effective risk matrix to perform the assessment and produce a report to highlight issues and a CAD plan to show the location of each one. We combine our years of fire risk assessment expertise with the latest technology to provide clients with the results in a way that makes it quick and easy to implement actions and reduce risks.
If you would like to find out more about our fire risk assessments, you can read more details on our website or if you would like to discuss your requirements, we would be happy to provide a consultation to explain how we can improve your energy company’s safety standards.
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